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 Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void

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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 16, 2009 1:55 pm

((ok in a nutshell, you guys arrived to a burnt down village where Alexander D. Eden [ME] was last seen heading towards. Alexander D Eden is not an evil pirate, however, due to recent activities, and the fact that Alexander is screaming "ill kill them all" while standing in front of the corpse of a small child lying on the ground, you can only believe that i am an evil pirate, and the perpetrator of burning down the village))
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 16, 2009 2:07 pm

((I'm still gaurding the ship.))
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 3:23 am

((y are you guarding the ship?, then its going to be me with checker and Ryzan vs. orphan with alex and dirk and then vex vs me with fwink. i think orphan wants to fight some other members.))

Ryzan: Well we might as well go check out the city, Kris you should come along, the ship won't need guarding from a burnt town, and we'll be able to see it anyways." The crew walked through the rubble strewn streets, dodging charred wood and blackened bodies.

Checker: "everything's destroyed, the houses have been reduced to their foundadations. What kind of person could have done this? definitly NOT a 'good, selfless' person." Then the crew heard a voice. a menacing long shout, "ILL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!!!" they ran towards the voice to find none other but they target bounty, Alexander D. Eden. Said bounty was standing over the mangled body of a small child, a little girl. He had an insane looks in his eyes and hardened, frightening expression. He was mumbling to himself, "ill find them.. kill them all.. none will survive."
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 3:57 pm

((Fwink... i thank you... from the bottom of my heart...))

Alexander, drew his gaze upon the unfamiliar faces approaching him, and in one swift fluent motion, he flicked the 2 tomahawks at his sides and grasped the hilts firmly, chains dangling from his wrists, "I'LL END YOUR LIVES HERE AND NOW!" Alexander throws his tomahawks into the air, mimicking the movements of a man he fought on the previous island, he then grasps both chains in between both of his hands and yanks as hard as he can on them, forcing both axes to come shooting down toward the person standing at the front of the group, "ETERNITY'S END!"

((Eternity's End [Swinging the tomahawks rend and tear high into the air, he pulls them downward with all his might towards his enemy, shattering the ground upon impact, even if he misses the person themselves] Its a move i copied from the guy with the 2H sword on that first island, the one that like broke me in half)

((YAY happy 300th post))
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 5:21 pm


Ryzan was in no way prepared for an attack this sudden and could only stand dumbfounded at the man jumpig into the air with two axes. "Ryzan look out!" checker shouted, he stepped behind Ryzan and pushed him forward. He lifted his right arm and put his weight on his right leg. The blow his the metal plate on his left forearm, and the shock was absorbed through his body, but since his right leg held the brunt of the attack, his metal right foot didnt break. a small crater formed below him. Then Checker shouted "Hard Fist!" Checker attempts to punch Alex in the stomach as he landed on the ground with his steel left fist.
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 5:31 pm

((EGAD! are you going to make multiple attacks at once? since it is more than a 1 v 1 situation))

Alexander, in a rage could think of nothing but beating the people who stepped in front of him, sure that they were the ones who caused this dreadful scene. Using "soru" as soon as his foot touched the ground, he managed to dodge the full force of the attack, but still had his side grazed by the powerful punch. In the blink of an eye, he appeared roughly five feet behind Checker, spinning his tomahawks on a chain creating massive centrifugal force and threw his tomahawks like a battering ram at Checkers back, "DOUBLE RAM!"

((The tomahawks are heavy as hell btw, the heads are made of solid seastone, the handles are made of adam wood, so id say at least 60 lbs each axe, and fwink knows how heavy the chains are >.>))

((also, ill try to put up as good a fight as i can, i want to try to at least beat one of you guys =P))
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 5:46 pm

((hmm its possible... but u asked for it))

((centrifugal force doesnt exist))


Checker turned to the left as he heard the axes being spun. The tomahawks were coming so fast he had no time to react. They struck him in the left shoulder blade, and area plated with steel, and sent him flying forward into the charred remains of a building. Splintered wood tore at his body, and his shoulder was definitely dislocated, a few tendons were probably torn aswell. Checker groaned as he tried to push himself to his feet, but failed because of his lame shoulder. He rolled onto his back and took a few deep breathes. blood was beginning to mix with the ash around him. he did not have to the strength to sit up and his head was still spinning from the flight. ill just lay here for a few minutes... he thought as he drifted off into unconsciousness.

Ryzan got to his feet just as Alex shouted "DOUBLE RAM!" He watched checker get thrown about 50 feet by the impact. Checker is 350 lbs! how did that guy get him flying through the air! He drew Stella and Bella, with stella in the normal grip and bella in the reverse. He then charged at Alex, hoping to reach him before the tomhawks returned, and slashed with Stella in his right hand at Alex's left arm.
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 6:36 pm

((yea it does, your thinking of something else, centrifugal force is the force gained through say using the gravity... like in shot put, how they use the spinning of their bodies to further the toss, your thinking of... um... ill think of it later, the kind that continues to get bigger and bigger with no energy required... i forgot what its name is...))

Alex, noticing that the man who was shoved out of the way was heading towards him at extreme speeds, tried to retract as much of the chain onto his arms as possible, he managed only about half of the total length back to his arms as a sword pressed into his left arm, the only thing preventing it from being severed was the fact he got the chains back enough to act as a shield. As soon as the sword cut into his flesh, Alex had prepared a surprise for his attacker, spitting a large loogie of tar directly into Ryzans eyes. That should blind him for a couple of seconds, enough time for me to regroup myself... this cut isnt too deep, but it hurts like h3ll... where the HECK are Fwink and Dirk at... i could really use some help here

((sadly yes, that IS one of my moves... you can even check character creation... i hope you have soap >.>))


((Perpetual motion is what you were thinking of))
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 8:42 pm

((have you taken physics? centripetal force is the force that occurs in rotating or revolving objects, centrifugal force is a "fake" force. its is associated with the feeling of artificial gravity one gets when they are inside something spinning (like those rides at theme parks that spin you) but in actuality, you feel this force because you want to take a linear path (go in a straight line) but something is stopping you and changing your direction, be it a chain or a wall. the force exerted towards the center by this chain or wall is centripetal for, centrifugal force is when you feel like you are being pushed outward, when in actuality something else is pushing you inward. if you dont believe me look it up))
((perpetual motion is movement that goes on forever, like something flying through space where there is no friction to stop is so no thats not what i was thinking of))

Ryzan was expecting an attack from his hands or possibly feet. What he did not for see was an atack from the mouth. He was struck in the eyes and stumbled back, clawing at his eyes. "ARGH MY EYES! what did you do to my eyes!" Ryzan was slowly beginning to regain his sight, but his eyes still stung causing large tears to roll down his face men shouldn't cry, suck it up! he started to compose himself, sniffed once, and fell into his signature saberphant stance.

((do you want me to brink Fwink and Dirk in or do you have it planned?))

Last edited by Fwink on Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Wavy reds part 2 pirates of the void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 8:46 pm

((Actually fwink is right, the reason why you believe there is centrifugal force is because of inertia, while in all truth, it is just resistance.))
Josh had been flying around, and had seen the villages attackers, there was no way it could have been the Void pirates. He had been there earlier because he was looking for a crew to join. He saw the event, and while flying above saw people fighting, believing it was over the event and he was going to explain.
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 9:08 pm

((i see... cenTRIPTIAL force then... smart @$$ >.> no i did not take physics btw, florida schools are terrible... dont bring Fwink or Dirk in till ive lost, and allistar dont stop this, the voids are going to be captured for this part, just observe for the moment id say. and fwink, wheres the rest of your crew?))

Alexander, after being cut, had started to calm down enough to notice that the tar had gotten to Ryzan. He then pulled his tomawhawks back all the way, and firmly grasping them in his hands, rushed at Ryzan with his remaining strength and used a second double ram aimed at Ryzan's gut.

((seriously though, wheres vex and keymaster?))
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 9:19 pm

((no its centripetal force, not centriptial force))

Ryzan couldnt see well, but he could see some, and he noticed to dark objects flying towards him. He sidestepped to his right and once again charged at alex. When he got close enough, he jumped and aimed an attack at alex's head, planning to land on his feet behind alex so the tomahawks wouldnt hit him on their return trip.

((and i cont know, lets just assume they're watching...))
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2009 9:45 pm

((you've been reading my character sheet havent you =P and quit mocking me, i spells how i wish to spells >.>))

Alexander, unable to think of any other moves, kept charging forward as fast as he could, his legs too worn out to use soru... his only thought was Crap, i only have one chance, if he jumps i can rush at him and force him to overshoot, and maybe i can sweep his legs from under him as well. At the same time, Alexander was using ever ounce of strength he could muster to halt the tomahawks and turn his double ram technique into his tornado tomahawks technique. He knew the fight wouldnt last much longer, because by stopping his tomahawks rend and tear, he'd be taking serious muscle damage.
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 12:02 am

((no u jest used that attack 30 seconds ago on checker... so its not that hard to figure out how to doge it...))

As ryzan jumped to attack alex, Alex charged forward, hitting Ryzans feet with his shoulder, Ryzan fell forward onto his back and then rolled over and got up facing Alex once more he has the advantage at range, i need to get closer Ryzan again charged towards Alex, this time as he got nead he dropped into feet first slide and slashed at Alex's legs, after he passed alex he braced his feet on the ground to stand up again.

((if there were and chains/axes spinning around they passed over him, i wasnt really sure if you had done the atack yet...))
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 12:27 am

((nono, i mean, i have an attack called returning head splitter that pulls the axes to attack your blind spot =P and he was preparing the tornado tomahawks, but that move is constant until he stops it or does another move, its more of a defensive move then an offensive one, but centripetal force ... can help the offensive ranged attacks))

Alex, struggling to continue standing had to make a decision quickly, Crap... hes cut my left arm and right leg... i'm gunna have to go for broke and try that on him... Alex then turns the tomahawks, which are spinning around so quickly they are nothing but a blur, and begins shaving the ground at his feet, and after kicking up some dust, Alex drives them into the ground spewing dust and dirt into the surrounding area, reducing visibility. He then detaches the chains from his gloves and rushes as fast as he can using his left leg for soru, appearing directly in front of Ryzan, Alexander kicks with as much force as he can resulting in him doing a backflip along with his kick "DRAGON DIIIVE!"

((Dragon dive is the beggining of a combo, the finisher being Requiem mind you[Dragon dive is meant to cause the opponent to do a backflip, and Requiem makes Alex appear above the opponent so he can punch him in the spine] just so you know what happens if you decide to take the hit, itll hurt like hell though =P))
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 1:06 am

((o well thats common sense))

Dust filled the whole area, and Ryzans already watery eyes could not see a thing. The he head "DRAGON DIVE" and was promptly kicked int the air, sialing backwards into a back flip. Instead of arching his back to finish the flip, Ryzan switched the grip on stella to reverse and planned to land on his sabres in a handstand the do a back handspring.
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 2:49 am

((before i post, can you give me a brief explanation of how he landed on his swords? cause if hes doing a handstand... hes gunna get a requiem to the balls >.>))
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 1:53 pm

((well he was attempting to do a back handspring, and if you expected him to be in the air doing a normal backflip you would attack too close to the spot he used to be, so imagin this (~~) is him normaly
and you (__) go above him

and this (}) is him now with you (__) above him

(.... is ground)
so its your call if he hits but this is the idea, also if you were planning on him doing a back flip instead of a handspring you would probably get kicked in the face by his extended legs))
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 2:34 pm

((true... thanks for clearing that up for me ^^ i think i know what ill do now. btw, how am i doing? even though i know im gunna lose =( hehe))

Alexander touches the ground, and with what little strength he has left begins his Requiem, though unable to see due to the cloud of dust he created himself, he is unaware that his opponent was in the middle of a handstand preparing to right himself. Alexander pounds his left foot on the ground, creating a small sonic boom as he leaves the spot he was standing in. He goes to the spot where he believes Ryzan is going to be, but because of the dust, he can't be sure of his position, [i]if he's anywhere he HAS to be right here... "REQUIEM!" Alexander pushes his right fist forward with every ounce of strength he has, tearing the muscles in his arm, and upon impact with the ground dislocating his shoulder and fracturing his forearm. However, due to the force of the punch, aside from a small crater, all of the dust is blown away in an instant, showing Ryzans position roughly 3 feet away. "Crap... i cant fight back anymore..." Alexander collapses onto his stomach.

((not sure if youd still be in handstand positionor on your feet, you decide, and sinc ethere was dust, i decided to just have him go in the wrong direction slightly, try not to forget my weapons when you carry me away ^^))
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 2:45 pm

(your doing fine, and im actually having trouble figureing out ways to doge your attacks without being cheap, but your not being cheap either.))


Ryzan heard someone shout "REQUIEM" through the dust as he completed his handspring. Requiem? that sounds like a strong attack, good thing i got away from that He was then hit by a blast of dust and hot air. He was blinded for a few second by the dust blown into his eyes, but as his tears washed it out he could see the figure of a man crouched on the ground not 3 feet away from him. The man was clutching his arm and gritting his teeth against some pain. As his vision cleared Ryzan got a good look at the mans arm. It was bent out of shape, the shoulder was too far back and the arm was bent at the bone, not the joint. A tomahawk lay on the ground in a large crater, it chain fed back to Alex's arm. Ryzan trotted over to Alex and put Stella by his neck. "Any funny moves and ill cut your neck." i was about to lose there, if i had been hit by that attack i would have been a goner. i need to be more prepared. "You fit the description of this man" Ryzan holds out a wanted poster "Alexander D. Eden. Is that who you are?"
Checker still lay in the rubble of the building. He was beginning to regain consciousness, but he still did not have the strength to move. He could hear Ryzan talking to someone in the distance, but couldn't make out what he was saying. ugg, i need to get up he tried to roll over onto his hands againto get up, but still didnt have the strength and fell on his face once more in a pool of his own blood mixed with ash. is that my blood! im not gunna be awake much longer at this rate!
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 4:23 pm

((nono, requiem is a weaponless move, he punched the ground, normally he punches the spine of the person, and what happened was i detached the chains from my gloves, so the chains are decently far away from me))

"Tch... that wanted poster... so you're bounty hunters eh..." then quietly muttering to himself, "so it wasnt them... good thing i didnt kill any of them... though that guy i hit looks like hes losing a lot of blood...", Alex lifts his face to look at Ryzan's, "ill go with you quietly under 2 conditions... the first, let the rest of my crew go, they should be here shortly, and second... let me take a look at your friend over there, it looks like he's losing quite a bit of blood."

((Fwink and Dirk can meet up with Josh and think of a way to help Alex escape is what im thinking))
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PostSubject: Wavy reds part 2 pirates of the void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 6:53 pm

Josh was flying around when he had saw Eden lose. He had seen Eden's crew, and was looking for them. He flew around in a panic, and it took about ten minutes to find them. "Your captain got captured," Josh said to Fwink and Dirk.
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 9:12 pm

((did i ever say he used his weapon for the move? and i assumed u left the chains on and just dropped the weapon, with way its not worth an edit.))

"Ryzan looked over to Checker "Does anyone in your crew have a bounty" he asked first, then after hearing Alex's andswer he asked "What can you do for him? he asked pointing at checker?"
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 9:15 pm


"he what!?" fwink said after the owl landed in front of him. wait... and owl... just talked to me... "Your an owl..., and your talking to me... hmmm.... i think that training messed with my head, i better take a nap soon. Dirk lets keep going, animals are talking to me so the sooner we find that city and a nice bed the better." Fwink walked past the owl and continued through the trees.
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PostSubject: Wavy reds part 2 pirates of the void   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch. 2: Pirates of the Void - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 9:21 pm

"I ate a strange fruit, and got powers that allowed me to turn into human. I believe your captain has eaten a fruit too..." Josh said and then his heart started pounding, "and if you want to see him again, come with me!!!" then Josh turned into half human form. He started running, and said, "Follow me!"
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