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 Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast

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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Empty
PostSubject: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 12:11 am

((Again i am pulling this crew out of a previous fight because of inactivity. As of now, Key and Vex will no longer be part of the crew. IF they want to come back they should post in the "Wavy Red Hunters" topic in the "Join a crew" thread.))

Ryzan left the local marine station holding a wanted poster. "Anthony D. Krunch. -Dead or Alive- B30,000,000"
He walked up to Checker. "I found a bounty for the captain of the 'Morning Pirates', a relatively new crew that has been causing troubles for many of the small islands around here."

"Great! where do we find them?" Checker said gruffly.

"well thats the problem, they are notoriously hard to trace..." Ryzan replied dejectedly.
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PostSubject: re: serious: the wavy reds go hunting -Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 12:17 am

Anthony Krunch was on an island he didn't know, drinking something he didn't know, and feeling a pain he didn't how to explain. He was hammered, slobbering all over a countertop, and taking an occaisonal slurp of liquor. He moaned and groaned, but kept drinking, even though he knew it was a bad idea. All he could think is, I'm a pirate, I don't do smart things.
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2009 3:03 pm

Kris was dragging along behind ryzan and such. "Where'd hakashi go?"
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 1:53 am

"Said he had to go train for something... not sure exactly." Checker answered. Ryzan had been off looking for lead in town. He soon returned with a very interesting peice of evidence. "This 'Captain Krunch' made off with about 20 barrels of booze, and they say he headed south. So get ready to set off!" Ryzan instructed and jumped up to the helm. Checker walked over to the mast and pulled a few ropes, releasing the sails. They billowed in the strong midday wind and the ship jumped forward, crashing through the waves.
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 1:46 pm

Kris didn't know how these "Big Ships" work. So, he found a random rope somewhere and tied it to a knob. A doorknob.
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 2:26 pm

Checker climbed up from below deck with some food for lunch. He got to the door and turned the knob, but couldn't open it. How odd he thought. He pulled harder, the door opened a bit, but snapped shut again., Noiw he was angrey. He heaved with all his might, throwing all his weight backwards as he pulled on the door. The door held for half a second, then the rope gave and checker was thrown backwards. He got up and dusted himself off. "Stupid crappy a$$ doors." He muttered. He then looked up and his eyes bulged. The rope had been attached to the sail, and now there was a huge tear in the sail.
Ryzan started hollering "What in He|| happened to the sail! how are we going to catch the morning pirates now!?"
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 4:24 pm

Kris hated this. God...shoot me now. he thought, walking towards checker with his arm raised. "I have a boat. We could use it..."
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 7:18 pm

"That's great! Where is your boat?"
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 7:25 pm

Kris raised an eyebrow. "Uh...Duh." he said, pointing to the rope dragging his boat along.
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PostSubject: re: serious: the wavy reds go hunting -Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 11:29 pm

Anthony was puking at the barstool. And by at the bar stool, I mean sitting next to it with it sideways on the ground. "god... I think I got a hangover..." he grabbed a beer from the bartop and then said, "but the hair of the dog that bit me's the best cure right?" he was talking to himself, this was caused by the alcohol.
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeSun Apr 12, 2009 11:49 pm

"O that..." Ryzan said a little dissapointed. He wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of sailing the sees with 2 other men in something that small. But he needed money, and his crew depended on him to solve their problems. "Well it'll have to to do!" he said trying to put on a cheery face. "Kris, prepare it for the sea!"
Checker groaned. He wondered if that boat (if it could even be called a boat) would be able to support his weight. When the Captain decided that they would be sailing it, he let out a sigh and submitted to his fate.
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2009 5:14 pm

((It still has a sail...maybe the size of a medium lifeboat. with a sail.))
Kris walked back into the Avenger. It felt good to be back. Kris hoisted the sail and took down his flag, putting it in his pocket. "All Ready."
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 1:20 am

((i know it had a sail, i was overemphasizing the small part cuz i was a bit bored at the moment))

Ryzan and Checker jumped on. The boat rocket a few times then righted itself.
"phew" Checker let out a sigh of relief.
Ryzan then turned to Kris "Well your the captain of this boat, so lead the way!"
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 7:47 pm

Kris turned his head to the open ocean. He pointed forward. "That way."
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 10:48 pm

The Wavy Reds sailed around, from island to island, looking for the vagabond pirate crew. They checked every island on the map except one, "The Crocodiles Teeth". This island, or really series of island, was so small that it was practically uninhabitable. But the morning pirates must have found some way to make camp there, and that was where the Reds, in they small sailboat, were headed.

((Allister, you should post))
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Layman Iconoclast
Layman Iconoclast

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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2009 10:53 pm

((he plays grand chase most of the time now.... just figured you should know, he'll be around later))
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 5:17 pm

((Just got rid of grand chase. It never worked ever, so not much a loss.))
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2009 11:06 pm

The Reds arrives at the small island chain. They sailed around from island to island, looking for any indication of a camp. They actually came upon a small hamlet, too small to even be considered a town. This was a perfect spot for an up and coming pirate crew to make their base and control te local population. The town survived mostly off fishing, so a bar and an inn were present there to accomodate the fishermen that happened upon the town every year. . However currently these were occupied by captain krunch and his lackeys.
The Wavy Reds moored at the dock and prepared to disembark and explore the town
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2009 11:09 pm

Kris took a few deep breaths to get ready.
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeWed Apr 29, 2009 1:45 am

Checker jumped off the boat first, landing with a loud thud on the wooden dock. a few pieces groaned and Checker decided that wouldn't be a good idea, this was probably a very old wooden dock. Ryzan followed, lightly stepping on to the deck. He left the task of securing the boat to Kris and the pair waltzed off towards the town, looking for any signs of the pirates, or a good meal.

Last edited by Fwink on Thu May 14, 2009 9:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeWed Apr 29, 2009 8:27 pm

Kris was tying the boat. "Wait guys! Ah screw it." he finished tying the boat and went on behind them.
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Empty
PostSubject: pirates for breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 1:20 am

The ship was docked by the coast, though their was quite an uproar in the town as while Anthony was puking he was flailing in a drunk range and destroying the bar. He wasn't conscience, it was an odd sleep walking type effect.
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Layman Iconoclast
Layman Iconoclast

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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 1:25 am

Yoru, who was NOT part of that crew or so he would tell anyone who asked him, was not near the captain, which was not HIS captain remember? but rather walking down the street looking for some sort of leads on Sano, or some sort of crime to commit either way they were things he had been looking for since the last two islands and not finding "feh" he remarked to himself, Yoru was a man of few words
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Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 9:53 pm

As checker and Ryzan approached the town the distressed voices of innocent townspeople would be heard. They broke into a jog and showed up to find a very drunk Captain Krunch laying wast to the towns bar. Ryzan surveyed the scene, most of the villagers had cleared the area, but the barkeep was brandishing a broom and trying to prod Krunch out of his establishment. Krunch obviously had no clue what he was doing, and would probably fall asleep soon. Checker walked up and tried to grab Krunch's right arm with his left steel hand to stop his flailing.
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PostSubject: Re: Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast   Serious: The Wavy Reds go Hunting - Ch 3: Pirates for Breakfast Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2009 10:01 pm

Kris looked around the bar. Okay, not to many. I've taken on this many guys in five minutes. That was true, he did kill alot of people.
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