Alright you greedy bastards members, if you want belli this is the event for you! Belli can be used to buy weapons, ships, armor, hookers and even... weapons! This event, along with two others, will try to tackle the things new people to the advanced section are looking for. In this one the person will roll a dice and get a result right after it. However, the roll HAS to be with Layman's avatar posting it. So, the instructions to do that are bellow:
1. Before sending your post click on preview, which is bellow the box you originally post in right next to send.
2. Make sure you are in a big white posting box with many signals on the top of the posting box after doing the above step, including a youtube icon and many other options.
3. Once this is confirmed scroll down to the 'Dices Roll' section right on top of options. It kind of blends with the background, look around until you find it.
4. Click on Dices Roll #1 and go to Dice. Click on dice.
5. The default number of rolls is already 1, do not change that number.
6. Write something random in the posting box and send the message. Layman should post a random number out of six on his post, that will be your 'roll number'.
Alright, so in this event whatever number you roll is multiplied by 4 million. So a person that rolls a 3 gains 12 million, a person that rolls a 5 gains 20 million, extc. With that much money a person can buy weapon smith a 74 million price tag (assuming the person starts without giving up his starter belli and rolls a 6). A person can buy a great sword, or it could be the difference to buy an upgrade to the ship that could help the crew sail to the grand line in the possibly near future.
So this is the belli event. Cyborgs should find this part of the event(s) particularly interesting. Remember that ammunition isn't permanent in this site, so one must buy ammunition every time it is used. Have fun, and good rolling! Make sure to post the roll in this thread.
Note: A person must have a character in WIP or finished to participate in this event, the WIP character must be 1/3 finished.
Reminder: You can only participate in 2/3 gambling events.