Name: Hito Hito no mi Model: Sasquatch
Capabilities: The user can transform into a Sasquatch and subsequent forms. The Sasquatch is a large, strong, and extremely intelligent primate with increases these aspects in the user in forms.
Type: Unknown Zoan
The Sasquatch is considered a myth by many, extinct by many, and there is multitudes of both circumstantial and physical evidence that Sasquatch exists; furthermore, the idea of Sasquatch type creatures is possibly a Chuman or Humanzee. If we go with the idea it is a myth, it is one of the weakest myths out there and is pretty pathetic. If we go with the idea that it is ancient, it makes sense but like bear skeletons Sasquatch skeletons are not found in nature, though it could be the missing link of man and ape. If we go with a normal zoan, it has insufficient recognize that it exists, similar to animals such as ligers and pizzlies, which were only discovered recently in nature and are few in man-cultured environments. If we classify it as a Chuman or Humanzee, chuman hybrids have been proven to be possible and humanzee speculated; furthermore, many scientists believe proto-humans mated with apes before they separated from each other. Since this hybrid is potentially possible, we would need hybrid classification to be classified in the suggestions thread.
In order to compromise the type of zoan this is, I would like a confirmation of how we will treat hybrid zoans as a whole; ancient, normal, mythical, or their own? Once the hybrid zoan has been classified, I will change the type of zoan to the coresponding type, as this fruit is difficult to classify. with four possible classifications, the fourth unofficial classification would be incorporated by one of the type, giving one type a wider range and thereby becoming the best fit for this zoan.