Crew Name: WGUG-Petals
Captain: Rafu Reissa
Flag: Two Sword with World Government logo in the middle of it
Ship: Battle ship
Side: Marine
Current Members: Rafu
Crew Goals: To ride the sea of one Yonko, or kill as many pirates as they can.
Crew History: WGUG-Petals is a tasks force that is assign to main the peace threw out the North Blue, as well as it last job is to contain intel of Yonkou crew or one himself. This task force was assign to Rafu being only of the Sea Admiral who had battle a Commander of a Yonkou as living just barely. He decide to created a task for who would help him trap ,and capture one Commander of any yonkou ,and subject him to questioning.
Worthy forth he have one large group of marines under his command helping him track down one Commander who was last spot attacking a island but escape just barely after wounding the Sea Admiral with some type of gas. Rafu have given the task for several jobs one that allow him to stay in contact with these Marines in order to gain intel on there said target who they are currently after.
Expecting new members?:
(Co): Rafu
(Xo): N/A
Others: N/A
Doctor: N/A