Weapon Name: The Gauntlets of the Damned
Description: A pair of oversized gauntlets, or gloves that have a 'shocking' amount of resistance. They are insulated and appear to be modifiable, other than that they are brown and unremarkable. A knob can be found on the upper parts of the gauntlet with several dials situated on each side of the knob.
Weapon Special Abilities:
- Electro Mode - Once the knob is set to Electro Mode, the gloves use the insulation mechanics, but on a much grander scale and begins to output Static Electricity. Theoretically, an area without friction would leave this mode useless.
- Steam-Powered Upgrade - The knuckles of the gauntlets open up, revealing an outlet for steam, opening up a new avenue for attack which could increase the force and weight of each punch.
History: No-one can say for sure who made these Gauntlets, a pair of famous explorers found them and left them in the possession of their son, knowing that he would need them at some point.