I believe it is said that Logia users are invincible to their own element. That is probably due to the fact that in the regular series, Logia users can become their own element. On this site people are not allowed to become their element, but I have some people still claiming to be invincible to their own element. I want to make sure if that is true or not.
The reason I am bringing this up is because of the Kaze-Kaze no mi. It is a logia fruit that allows its user to control wind. My character, Daniel, uses the Kaze-Kaze no mi, so would that mean that he is invincible to ALL wind attacks? That would be great if it were true, but it seems that in this one case that it would be incredibly cheap. Wind attacks are used by just about everyone who has incredible strength. So I wanted to clear this up here and now before Daniel actually fights someone who uses wind attacks. Is he invincible to wind-based attacks or not? (Note: When I say wind based, I do not mean attacks that are a combination. For example, a flaming air slash would still hurt Daniel because of the fire.)