As The Clockwork Brain reached an island Wilfred had never been to Wilfred lowered the anchor and happily ran and jumped over the edge and used his ink power to let himself slip down the chain and leap from the chain to the land. Once on land Wilfred ran on to the island by some trees, dropped his pants and emptied his bowels of piss. He never knew why he did this but it was something he'd always done when reaching a new island. Once he finished he began his walk into town, he got distracted by some flowers he'd never seen before and ran over to them and began sniffing them. They smelt almost good enough to eat, and that exactly what intended to do with them too. Biting the heads off the flowers Wilfred plucked more and more flowers the sour taste was addicting that's when a woman ran out from the trees screaming at him LEAVE MY FLOWERS ALONE! Wilfred saw her and plucked the last few remaining flowers and ran off into town munching on the flowers he held in his hands dropping the stems behind him.