On the Calm Belt a Huge tower rises from the Ocean. This Pirate Prison is for Marines and people they dont like that deserve far more than a quick death. There is cannons mounted on all sides of the massive tower. and below the oceans surface the tower shoots torpendos at underwater advances. Only One enterance and that the dockes in front of the tower. There you enter a massive door into The Tower. It Has Four Levels.
First Level is the Processing Level. Here is were all the Evil Pirate Jailers Sleep and guard the tower. Also this is where information is processed about the prisoners and there fate is decided. The Observation room is located here as well.
Second Level is The Purification Level. Freezing Coolers keep this level Bitter cold. Here they torment prisoner with below zero temperatures. As they are inflicted with frostbite and long for heat they are given a chance to become free by joining the pirates. Marines would freeze for months and come close to death then finally cave in from going insane, starvation and cold.
Third Level is The Punishment Level. The Door is a series of hot jets which cannot be accessed without the proper pass code.This is were all the prisoner are tormented and mutilated. Useing any horror imaginable they torment the prisoners till they die or Have a change heart and if there body is too destroyed to become an alley they are put back together with new parts to become a cyborg.
Fourth Level is Dark Level Here is were prisoners have no chance for survival. they are here to suffer for eons. This leve is covered in complete darkness and the cell are made from the strongest steal. Prisoners here are wieghed down by bone breaking weights. as the move around in blindly. Prisoners here as barly fed just to keep them alive. Most people become completely mad.