Crew Name:the eternals
Captain: cyan chenko
Flag: a plate of metal on the top with a hammer and rifle on it
Ship:the eternal armour amphibious ship which can is a small streamlined ship fully metal with no proper bridge. when needs to go on land the sides of the ship on latch themselves and start walking the ship on dry land it cant walk on too rough terrain or too steep. the ship has a few cannons on each side and a huge cannon which is longer than the ship at the front. a single ten missle silo at the back
Side: you can join as long as you are not a pirate
Crurent Members: (give a number and a list of names, min.1 max.25 at least a third prefrebly two thirds must be non fruit users)
Crew Goals:
cyan chenko :to be the best inventor
Crew History: cyan chenko has been at the sea for a year and during that year she was attacked by pirates and after that she decided that she would need a crew to stand a chance at sea she hopes the people she meets are nice people and will have skills that will help her and the crew
Expeting new members?: YES