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 Charyu The Solar

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Frog Dragon
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Frog Dragon

Frog Dragon

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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 3:27 pm

Name: Charyu "The Solar" Nagai
Age: 19
Bounty: 30000000
Species: Human
Occupation: Manning the crow's nest (probably)
Allegiance: Pirate
Home Village/Ocean:
Appearance: Charyu is about 5'8 tall with an average, but agile-looking build. His hair is black and short, having a tendency to keep upwards, slightly. His eyes are brown and he usually wears a black and slate blue vest with khaki coloured pants.
History: Charyu came from west blue, having been born to a marine on off-time. This left him with his mother to raise him. He was always a wild and independent kid, who liked pirates. He also didn't like his dad for leaving him and his mother. However, this rarely crossed his mind. The island he lived in had a marine base, and one of the men there took a liking to the kid, even though he didn't like his pirate talk. The man sometimes allowed the kid to train with him and Charyu was happy to do so. When he was around 16, he decided to leave for the seas, and though his mother didn't like it, he went anyway. He was a troublemaker, and managed to get himself wanted, so he stowed away on a marine ship of unknown destination.
The destination turned out to be the Grand Line, accessed through the calm belt between west blue and the grand line. Being a minor outlaw, Charyu was forced to get his methaphorical arse in gear to match the dangers of the grand line. He decided to turn to pirating and though at first he worked mostly as a lackey, he soon established himself as very much cut above the average. At this point, he tried to get himself up in the ranks of his pirate crew at the time, but he was instead booted from the crew. He is looking at his options now.
Personality: Charyu is cheerful and impulsive, seeming a bit mad at times. He's a positive person, rarely being brought down. He enters battle with a grin. He used to be a troublemaker, but nowadays he's learned out of that habit. His brand of anger is also very peculiar as he doesn't exhibit the typical sings of anger. He can fly into an attack, but he doesn't do so with a grim face. His angry face is more like a manic grin, which has the slightest hint of rage.
Ship: N/A
Ship Flag: N/A
Devil Fruit: N/A
Special Abilities:
Super Strength
Charyu is superhumanly strong, though not by a large margin
Super Speed
Charyu is also superhumanly fast, a trait which he exploits with his special attacks.
Chain Style
Charyu fights with dual chains, which he spins to create blinding flashes. He is expert at fighting with them and even uses the chains for parries. Mainly, he avoids attacks by dodging though. His skill was displayed when he matched the shichibukai Wally in single combat at sabaody archipelago, despite losing in the end.
Supreme Eyesight
Charyu himself has very adaptable eyes and as such, he is a good shot as well. This landed him with the crow's nest manning job in most ships.
Learned Techniques:
Gating Solar
Charyu runs in a zigzag pattern, using his massive speed and creating several residual images of himself, requiring massively good eyesight to pinpoint the real one in motion.
Chain Gating Solars
Charyu runs in the zigzag pattern as if executing the Gating Solar as he reflects blinding flashes from his reflective chains. He often uses this to move towards the opponent, disorienting with the flashes coming from multiple places, before striking.
Solar Disc
Charyu spins his chains, and from them is thrown an indascendant disc seemingly made of pure light. What is actually happening is simply the par-for-the-course air slash coupled with reflections.
Weapons/Items: Solar Chains, a gun with bullets
Goals: Have fun with his life.

Note: If you are familiar with D&D optimization tricks, then there is a little easter egg here.

Last edited by Frog Dragon on Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:53 am; edited 3 times in total
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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 2:30 am

Why not just have Soru?
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Frog Dragon

Frog Dragon

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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 5:41 am

Well, mostly because there have been many super-speed owning people in One Piece who don't have Soru. I think Garp is a good example. I can change it though.
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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitimeMon Jun 07, 2010 12:27 am

I guess it's fine, Approved.
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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitimeMon Jun 07, 2010 8:32 am

I remember back in my day when my character was the first to fight mainly with chains. [/old man voice]
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Frog Dragon

Frog Dragon

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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 2:10 pm

Hmm.. upgrades.
In other words, bounty changed to reflect the war.
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Frog Dragon

Frog Dragon

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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitimeTue Jul 27, 2010 1:25 pm

Edited bounty again to reflect the events at Enies Lobby.
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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitimeTue Jul 27, 2010 1:38 pm

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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitimeTue Jul 27, 2010 3:40 pm

You should join my crew o.o

Dorain Herron's..that is
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Frog Dragon

Frog Dragon

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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitimeTue Jul 27, 2010 3:45 pm

No, Solar is with Anubis.
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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitimeTue Jul 27, 2010 4:50 pm

TBL......posting on submission threads? Again? Grr.....
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Charyu The Solar Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charyu The Solar   Charyu The Solar Icon_minitime

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