It's close that I considered making a remark to a 'Refreshing Trio of Fruits', The thing with the Heal Heal Fruit is that the tears cure the ailment of beings. The Restore Restore can be used on any object with the idea of it being a 'Restore Point' ability.
The example you would think of is that if you beat the hell out of someone in 15 seconds, then restored them, they would be back to how they were. The same can be done with the Heal Heal fruit
Another example to show how it is different is if you cut down a tree, then restore the stump, you would get the tree again even if the tree you cut down before is right next to it. The same can be done with humans. Cut off a limb, restore, you would have the spare hand sitting there.
The worst thing I can see with how the fruit would be incredibly strong say curing diseases or ailments if they have a long memory of the person that they can cure them before the sickness. Or returning people to a younger version of themselves... But that would probably be too taxing depending on the difference between then and the memory. And it can't be used when meeting someone since they wouldn't have a memory of them yet.