The cotton cotton fruit
Type: Paramecia
Operation: The user is able to give any object or humans he touches the characteristics of cotton. The user himself, unlike other Paramecias, does not have the characteristics himself. These characteristics include:
1. Fluff- Being able to fluff any object or human. The victim can be disintegrated this way. Unless the heart is fluffed, the victim can still be a
live. For more productive purposes, the user can fluff his friends' legs for higher mobility. Note that the user cannot fluff himself.
2. Absorption- The user can make people he touches to absorb a lot of water, and make his victim heavy enough to fall under his own weight. Likewise, the user can make another devil fruit user a little more resistant to seawater.
3. Cotton seeds- The user is able to produce cotton seeds at will that mature after 10 seconds. When these cotton seeds sprout, their strands trap the closest person to them and extensively fluff their victim to kill them.On the user's will, the cellulose in these plants can quickly multiply tightening their grip.
4. Bloom- The user makes cotton bloom from his hands that can be eaten. The user can then spew out fibres and fabrics and mould the cotton into swords and weapons.