First of all, welcome abroad.
Now, about the fruit, the format we follow goes like this:
Name in Japanese (although not necessarily a thing to happen, it generally looks cooler):
Capabilities: (what can the user do with it, be exact)
And, it also helds if you specify weakness and so on.
I'd like to mention that Mingo's subordinate, Pica, uses a Paramecia fruit, rather than a logia. Not that this is an issue.
In your case, your fruit's info could have the following appearance:
Fruit's name: Tetsu Tetsu no Mi (part of the word Koutetsu that means "steel")
Fruit's appearance: An eggplant-looking fruit with a silver/gray coloring. (Totally optional a section, you do not have to post an appearance)
Capabilities: User is able to control and create steel (in this site, at least the main section, logia users are not allowed to transform to their elements). User can also assimilate existing steel via contact.
Weaknesses: Intense fire, standard DF weaknesses. (just an example)