Crew Name: Red Clouds
Captain:Gold E. Jagger (Red Clouds)
Flag: Black in blackground ,and red clouds all over it.
Ship: Cloud
Side: Pirates
Current Members: Gold E. Jagger, Francis Marble, Cliffer Cloud
2Npc pirates left
2-3 pc(Whoever decide to join)
Crew Goals: Unknown.
Crew History:
Unknown many rumors are said how this crew came together. None can give a completed summary of what happen.
But it said that Gold E. stole a marine ship then went into hiding for eight years then reappear with this new vessel many said he used this eight year period to mastery his fruit powers some say he modified his ship. Many say this ship is a myth for no seeing it in so long therefore many decide to ignore said thing about a stole marine vessel. What is known is that this pirate have restarted his attacks on the blue atraction attention looking for a way to become a well know pirate.
Crew member/Ranks:
1st Mate: Cliffer
2nd Mate: N/A
Swordmaster: Francis Marble
Cook: N/A
Doctor: N/A
Navigator: N/A
Pirates npc:2
Expeting new members?:Sure