He stood a bottle of malt liquor in his hand as he began to remember all that had happened tears fell. The young man took a drink out of the bottle as he took a step forward remembering all that had happened to him at this point. Tears fell from his eyes as he remembered the girl he loved, he wondered what he did wrong why she would do this to him. Taking another swig from the bottle the young man took a step closer to the edge before sitting and letting his legs dangle. He hears her voice call out his name in his head but chooses to ignore it, he no longer cries as he is tired of it. Tired of crying over her all the time. The young man closes his eyes and let's gonna finally, he leans forward and falls off into the water and rocks sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean. Two women one in her late forties and the other around 18 years of age scream in sorrow and sob. A man also in his forties holds back his own tears needing to be strong for the older woman but he can no longer hold it back and breaks down into tears. Three weeks later after hours of search a boat finds his body chunks taken out of it from fish and from rotting, a funeral is held the younger woman attempts to come with the man she chose over him but is denied entrance and she breaks down all over again while her boyfriend attempts to calm her to no avail. Thus the story of a young man who could take no more pain ends.