The year 2215 when the first space colony's where build.Great progress was made in technology,especially in weapon technology.
The year 2300,many space colony's where build and we reached furthre in the galaxy then ever.It seemed as if the colony's where preparing things for something...If only we knew what...Lately they seem rather hostile toward people from earth.The rumor spread that the space colony's started their own faction,apart from the original earth alliance.The eart federation,E.F for short,started building defensive structures.The space colony's where not happy with this and began demanding things...The E.F did not want to loose their grip on the galaxy,and began producing theit own forces.This pulled the trigger to what seems to be a all out war...
The year 2320,what was expected long ago finally happened.Most colony's had formed alliances ,it seemed no problem at first but it quickly got out of hand.The E.F quickly came to the conclusion those alliances where not prepared to make friendly negotiations.
The currently biggest thread to the E.F is the space federation of colony's,S.F.C for short.Between the space alliances there was one who wanted,and still is neutral,although not prepared to negotiate with any of the other faction.This alliance is called the the neutral factions of space,N.C.S for short.
It is now the year 2324,the earth federation and the S.F.C are officially at war.Since the beginning of the war the earth federation lost countless battles and was pushed back to their last line of their defensive line.In order to save and defend the earth from any harm a new project was started.The use of child soldiers,it seemed that the use of teens starting from 12 where highly capable of using the new kind of weapons.
During the black night hundreds of teens where abducted,and that's where my story begins....
This is the introduction of a new story I am making,please comment about the concept.