weapon name: T3k Bow: Hermes
description: A robotic bow that can attach and detach to the wrist of a Cyborg. It has multiple gears on it, with a wooden outer casing. It has a gold trim and a compound bow look to it. Hermes can fold up (just moving the arms of it in) which can unfold by pressing a button. This button opens it quickly due to high pressure release. It has 3 different firing modes.
weapon special abilities: Hermes can shoot 3 arrows per 2 seconds on the 3-round burst setting. It has a sniper setting, causing the draw weight to be intense, due to only being meant for cyborgs, and causing the draw length to increase. A heavy arrow is needed for sniper mode. The quickshot mode shortens the draw length and reduces accuracy, but is relatively quick at shooting. The 3-round burst mode requires the attachement for it to be put on where the arrow fires from. Hermes fires twice as fast and has a draw weight of 200 pounds.
history: To keep it short and sweet, this is basically a bow developed when Angelina was created in order to be used as her primary weapons. This is one of 5 schematics for the T3k Bows. She has intensive marksman training and has disguised it's prototype form to look like a normal bow. She competed in many competitions with this bow, and intends to use it for more important things.