weapon name: Goliath
description: Namor's green and blue bull king pet
weapon special abilities: Goliath uses his power and might to pull the purple heart's ship against the currents and opposing winds.
history: Goliath was actually found watched up on a beach sick and dying. Namor thought of eating the poor creature, but then changed his mind after seeing how unsportsman like that would be. He decided to ask Nejin that if he could save it. After months of care, Goliath recovered from his sickness. Namor never left the creature side awaiting for time that it could get better so he could eat it. Goliath mistook this to be a sign of compassion, and grew fond of Namor. He gave Namor a huge lick which he now had a change of mind of eating it. Namor then decided that crew need a mascot, so he adpoted Goliath as his new pet.