Name in Japanese (translation): Mokushi Mokushi no Mi/Sight Sight Fruit
Capabilities: The user of this fruit can convert objects into foci (these objects must be touched). These foci act as cameras (360 vision) transmitting whatever is in their line of sight to the user's brain. The foci also act as video recorders, transmitting audio. The user can record anything from the foci and replay them like memories. The only limit to the amount of foci a user can has is how many he/she has converted, however, the user most consciously use them (and thus does not know what is going on at all times everwhere) and cannot look through more than 3 perspectives (2 foci and his/her normal vision) at a time. If the focus is destroyed all recordings are destroyed. The foci can be used as different types of camera (thermal vision, night vision, and normal vision). A secondary ability of the fruit is giving the user the capability to use all forms of vision the foci allow him/her from their eyes.
Type: Paramecia