After his rather...unexpected behavior on the ship, Aki returned awhile later in an unusually good mood for someone such as himself. His stride showed confidence yet a carefree attitude. In his left hand he carried an unmarked bag that seemed completely full and whatever was in the bag seemed to be responsible for Aki's strange cheery mood. When he reached the ship he didn't drop his attitude or his smile, however he didn't seem to really notice anyone and walked straight for his room. He opened the door and quickly sat down on the floor, set down Reko-Donomizo next to him and placed the bag in front of him. He reached into the bag and pulled out book after book, each one larger than the last. He placed them all in front of him in a line and tried to decide which one to read first when something different caught his attention and caused him to drop his happy mood. He felt a new vibe emitting from on the ship and as much as he wanted to read his new books which he totally, rightfully paid for he had to check out this new vibe. He reopened his door and peeked out through the crack to look at everyone and saw the new face. He seemed like another Sano, their vibes were similar, which definitely didn't appeal to Aki. He didn't want to be kept from his books so he would only ask one simple question, "Hey, who's the new guy?"