I'm not sure what part of the globe IS the new world.
So basically.. The new world is an unexplored sea area.
The red and grand lines cross each other twice (in mariejoris and reverse mountain)
from when the straw hats crossed the reserve mountain over to the grand line, it was clear that every blue is seperated from the other by either the grand line or the red line.
The reverse mountain is a one way system and you can only enter the gran line from reverse mountain from one direction.
So the question is...
What area would the new world exactly be?
Is it.. (with one and two assuming that each blue is abut 1/8 of the sea.)
1. One half of the world. (assuming this half does not contain any known blues) making the border between new and old world a new "line" so to speak. The problem with this is that this would make mariejoris be in the center of unexplored territory.
2. It's one half of the grand line. Specifically, the "non blue'd" half (if it works that way). This would still make mariejoris be in the middle of unexplred territory though.
3. This I consider most likely. Since the reverse mountain can only be used to access grand line in one direction, the new world is the area of grand line between Mariejoris and the reverse mountain in the way where the mountain doesn't flow.
So.. where is the new world?