Name: Denchi denchi no mi (Battery Battery Fruit)
Capabilities: This fruit makes the user a “Human Battery” capable of outputting vast amounts of energy in the form of electrostatic discharge, though the control over this is exceedingly limited as directing it through a conductor is the only really effective way to use it. That much is merely a side effect, the true ability of the denchi denchi no mi is its ability to supply the user with untold amounts of energy for use in their bodies, meaning that the user has less of a need for rest and caloric intake and that their stamina is duly increased. The user’s energized body is capable of performing at levels the ordinary human body would not be able to reach via jump starting the nervous system for faster movement and reaction time than would normally be possible allowing them to outperform ordinary humans. It is entirely possible for the user to run out of energy and begin to succumb to fatigue after extended periods of activity, this can be solved in a hurry by introducing more electric energy to their system or over time with food and bed rest.
Advanced use of the denchi denchi no mi; upon mastering their newfound condition the user can learn how to channel their energy to absorb latent static energy from the outside world and absorb it in to their system to recharge themselves very quickly, increase the power of their own attacks and even electrically charge objects or their own body. The increase in ability is akin to the “Gear second” of the gum gum fruit and possesses similar tolls on the body after use. The extra energy can override their system temporarily and cause them to lose consciousness if used to excessively or for overly prolonged periods of time.
Type: Paramecia