thats one, or how about this?
Seven Sins
Key: “” = Latin name, (no citation) = demon representation, ** = eighth sin (to counter eighth virtue only, not officially part of the group)
-Pride (“Superbia” Lucifer)
-Wrath (“Ira” Satan/Cacodaemon/Amon)
-Greed (“Avaritia” Mammon/Barbatos)
-Lust (“Luxuria” Lilith/Asmodeus)
-Sloth (“Acedia” Belphegor)
-Envy (“Invidia” Leviathan)
-Gluttony (“Gula” Beelzebub)
-*Corruption* (“Venaliter” The Serpent/Vetis/Mephistopheles)
Eight Mara (the “enemies or destroyers” of bodhisattvas in Buddhism, representing the obstacles to achieving enlightenment (Nirvana) also known as the Yama)
Key: (no citation) = sin equivalent, ** = rough explanation ‘’ = chosen by default
-Death (‘sin’/‘loss’/‘despair’ *having no memory of pervious life*)
-Uncontrolled emotions (wrath *no restraint*)
-Conditioned existence or Incorrect view of self (pride *being conditioned to act or believe in certain ways or incorrect/disproportionate self image, unwilling to listen*)
-Being stuck in the bliss of meditation (sloth *self explanatory*)
-Impermanence (‘gluttony’ *not changing ones habits*)
-Joylessness (envy *all work and no play*)
-Impersonality (greed *not caring for other’s feelings*)
-Impurity (lust *give in to temptation/addiction to ones appetites*)
Seven Virtues (counterparts to sins)
Key: (no citation) = sin counterpart, “” = Latin name ** = eighth virtue (added later on), ‘’ = archangel representation Highly Improvised
-Humility (Pride “Humilitas” ‘Michael’)
-Patience (Wrath “Patientia” ‘Raphael’)
-Charity (Greed “Caritas” ‘Sealtiel’)
-Chastity (Lust “Castitas” ‘Barachiel’)
-Diligence (Sloth “Industria” ‘Jegudiel’)
-Kindness (Envy “Humanitas” ‘Jeremiel’)
-Temperance (Gluttony “Temperantia” ‘Gabriel’)
-*Justice* (Corruption “Iustitia” ‘Uriel’)
Eight Niyama (Improvised counterparts to the Mara)
Key: (no citation) = mara counterpart, “” = virtue counterpart, __ = by default
-Rebirth/life (death “_Virtue/happiness/fairness_”)
-Emotional Restraint (uncontrolled emotions “patents”)
-Open mindedness (conditioned existence or incorrect view of self “humility”)
-Physical Resolve/Self control (Being stuck in the bliss of meditation “diligence”)
-Spontaneity (Impermanence “_temperance_”)
-Reflection/joy (joylessness “kindness”)
-Empathy (Impersonality “charity”)
-Purity (impurity “chastity”)