Weapon Name: Masterful Pickaxe
Description: This is no ordinary pickaxe, this pickaxe has one sharp protruding at the end of a long handle. Most noticeable about this pickaxe is it's strange gold and black coloring. The metals and materials used to make this pickaxe are unknown, however it's obvious that the metals used to make the pickaxe are top quality as the pickaxe seems indestructible and can pierce through just about any metal.
Weapon Special Abilities: Whatever metals the pickaxe is made of seems to work like an eternal pose that always points to Skypeia. When submerged in water the pickaxe will always point upwards to Skypeia.
History: Nothing is really known about the origins of this weapon. Many believe it was just made long ago by a master blacksmith. Others believe that this weapon came from the mythical land of Skypeia, though this idea is largely regarded as false since many believe Skypeia to be a fictional place though this theory is actually closer to the truth.