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 Patch (Snow Pirates)

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Shichibukai Hunter

Shichibukai Hunter

Posts : 2289
Join date : 2010-04-28
Age : 30
Location : In your bushes.

Patch (Snow Pirates) Empty
PostSubject: Patch (Snow Pirates)   Patch (Snow Pirates) Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 5:54 pm

Name: Patch

Age: ? (No one is sure of his age. All they know is that he is old.)

Bounty: 2,000,000

Species: Sapphire Wolf

Occupation: Guardian

Allegiance: Pirates

Home Village/Ocean: ?/Believed to be the West Blue

Appearance: Patch is a large beast, though he is considered about average for his kind. He stands at about five feet in total, but his shoulders are more around the four foot range. As a Sapphire Wolf, his fur was a light blue, but as he is old he is now going gray and has become a mixture of the two colors. Patch’s right eye has been damaged and he is blind on that side. He wears an eyepatch over that eye, which is where he gets his name. Patch’s legs are long, but powerful. His entire body is a solid block of muscle. He is thin and his ribs are a little to evident, but for the most part he is healthy. Lastly, under his fur Patch has many scars running across his body from his many beatings.

History: Patch was indeed born in the West Blue, although he cannot speak and so he cannot tell anyone this for certain. When he was only about a year old, Patch was taken from his home in the wild and brought to the Grandline. His new owners brutally mistreated Patch and he received many scars at their hand. As a Sapphire Wolf, Patch was not expected to be tamed. There has never been a point in recorded history when anyone has successfully tamed a Sapphire Wolf. These cruelties only made Patch even more vicious and unapproachable. However, this was exactly what his owners wanted. They took Patch to dog fighting rings and made a lot of money off of him. He lost his right eye in one of his matches, but he still went undefeated. For many years this went on until at long last, Patch’s owners decided to retire him.

They put Patch up on the black market and a World Noble came to check him out. The World Noble took one look at Patch and decided to buy him. While they were all finalizing the deal, the Snow Pirates came. They had heard about these rich men who owned a mansion and lived in luxury. So, since they needed the cash, they bought an eternal pose to the island and went there. Now, these men didn’t really live in a mansion so much as a fortress so it took the Snow Pirates a little while to break in. They had to fight a bunch of guards and all that, but eventually they managed to get inside. They spread out in groups of two in search of treasure.

Risty and Edmund ended up finding something even better. They were trying to hide from a large group of guards and Risty ended up hiding in Patch’s cage, although she didn’t know anything was in there. The next think she knew, she was looking up at a massive wolf. However, Patch did not see an easy meal when he saw Risty. What he saw instead was a young child who smelled like she was terrified. So he curled up around her and hid her from view just before the guards began checking around his cage. Because of this, Risty freed Patch and took him with her. Edmund was hesitant to let him come with them, but one look at Risty’s face and he could not refuse.

They ended up running into the World Noble and the owners of the mansion, all of whom were going to go make sure Patch was still secure. The World Noble attempted to seize Patch while a large group of guards attack the other two. Patch bit off the World Noble’s hand and broke the adjoining arm in the process before fighting the guards with his newfound friends. Risty took a hit to her leg and Patch scooped her up onto his back so that she could continue fighting from there. Eventually, a couple more powerful bodyguards appeared. Between the three of them, Edmund, Risty, and Patch defeated the duo and they fled the mansion, returning to their ship. The others were not far behind. Two of the pairs, Alice and Sora, Winston and Rachel, had been successful in finding some treasure, although there wasn’t a great deal of it. Zak and John had not gotten very far into the mansion as they had been attacked by the majority of the guards, but they had kept those guards occupied for a long time.

So once more the Snow Pirates set sail with a new crew member: Patch the Sapphire Wolf. After all these events, Risty gave Patch an eyepatch and Edmund was the one to suggest his name.

Personality: Patch used to be a vicious beast, but now he is warming up towards the Snow Pirates. He is still very cautious around people he doesn’t know, but he has become more trusting as time goes on. Patch especially loves Risty, who he considers his adopted cub. In many ways he has become Edmund’s rival for Risty’s affections, though Edmund says Patch is Risty’s other uncle.

Ship: Free Spirit: A large galleon with twelve cannons on each side and two on the front and back.

Ship Flag: A light blue wolf skull with an eyepatch across the right eye.

Devil Fruit: N/A
Type: N/A
Effect: N/A

Special Abilities: N/A

Learned Techniques: N/A

Weapons/Items: N/A

Goals: To protect Risty.
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